All your business on one platform.

Simple, efficient, yet affordable!

Perfect for Restaurant, Hospitality, Point of Sale

Write one or two paragraphs describing your product or services. To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.

Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.

Start Now - It's Free

  • Integrated devices - cash drawer, receipt printer, customer-facing display, barcode scanner - built from the ground up
  • Integrated credit card processing
  • Support for QR-code based menus and table kiosks
  • Separate specialized kiosks for front of house and back of house as well as host, expediting and more
  • Full accounting, inventory and purchasing on the back end to track your on hand inventory, track your replenishment and manage your financials

Join 12 million happy users

who grow their business with Odoo